PRINCE. we're all in this together? one big (read: small) dysfunctional family situated in Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne, Young, Merricks Beach and wherever you're probably sitting reading shit on a screen. like paint thrown at a wall - we'll see what sticks, eh? that's the m.o. of most...doctors, nutters and musicians. we're all fucking guilty. apathy. gossip. drown your sorrows with tap water, alcohol's only masking your insecurities and weed = pluracy.
do you trust me? do like to fuck up and get fucked up? good. we're on the same page (read: screen). dE-elevator is a blog that will be a zine that will be paint thrown at a wall. just like the rest of you, we have a voice. the only difference is - this time we're naked on a computer instead of the street.
...so let's get down to brass tacks. MUSIC.
shaun south is my friend. he is also a musical genius. maybe you've seen him in the bottle shop or, in one of his previous groups: YOUNG ROMANTIX MAKE LOVE (still kickin' when he feels the urge), DEAF DEAF, PATHETIC HUMAN, etc...or maybe you know him as "that guy with the hair and tie-dye" who organised Punx Picnic and Summer Winds. CHROME DOME was shaun and his friend ben. now he is joined by andrea and bryce. CD played in our shop a couple of weeks ago and it was a mess. the microphones kept shitting out, we had to beg, borrow and steal for gear (read: musical equipment) and Newcastle decided to bring on the darkness us locals know all too well. alcohol everywhere, i was worried. i had a right to be, and ended up in a psych-ward the following night - but that's another story.
everything that could go wrong did and CHROME DOME shined on through all the chaos. not despite it, but because of it. no vocals? no worries. shaun simply paced about and around the sixty or so punters, scaring the shit out of many of them - pissed as a newt rambling, singing and screaming the words...sometimes at us and sometimes at and with his band-mates. six songs later and my last amplifier broken, it was over and i felt inspired. said performance kept me on an even keel long enough to talk an acid casualty from Windale down from a flash-back, and then...exhaustion, anger and tears. the band missed their flight out of Williamtown back home the following afternoon. shaun kept me amused all day with stories of girl's jeans, while andrea told me a pearler of a tale of Jisoe sporting a tattoo of the map of Australia on his face (sans Tasmania) and bryce ate yoghurt with a spoon fashioned from a cardboard cover of a cd of some of the worst music i have ever heard (for anyone interested, the band is named TRUTH RUBY). later, as i sat in my hospital bed sweating rotten prescription drugs out of my system, i opened my tape copy of CHROME DOME's debut long-player for some comfort - a link to something beautiful that lay in wait for me outside of the white walls. i had missed details earlier and smiled ever so slightly, as i realised that bryce had christened his label PSYCHOTIC REACTION. prick.
CHROME DOME have released two 7 inches', two tapes and a CD (ha!). buy 'em.
there is a live tape of the show(chrome dome)coming out soon??on confirmationtapes